About me

Since 2005, I have been coaching executives and teams in global companies with more than 2,700 hours of coaching on their personal development processes and their own effectiveness in the company.

I am a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) global coaching federation. In addition, as a coach trainer and ICF mentor coach, I support professional coaches and managers in professionalizing their coaching skills.

As an active member of the ICF, I follow the ICF competence and ethics guidelines and take a holistic, solution-oriented and systemic approach.

I am an active networker and work with experienced colleagues from different living and working environments.

I live with my family in Frankfurt. My passion is our allotment garden. In relation to it, I am enthusiastic about digging up, planting and taking care of the plants so that they are healthy and strong and bear richly every year.


Master Certified Coach in process (MCC, ICF, 2022)


Professional Certified Coach (ICF, PCC)


HOGAN Assessment certified, Amsterdam


Mediator according to § 5 Abs. 2 MediationsGesetz (conflict resolution by Dr. Christoph Thomann)


Coach, University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden


Psychology of Communications, Prof. Dr. Schulz von Thun, Universität Hamburg


Methods of Systemic Constellation, Dr. med. Mahr, Würzburg


Graduate in Business Management (Dipl.-Betriebswirtin), University of Applied Sciences, Cologne

Please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

+49 69 410 78627
+49 179 46 997 44